[F] = Fixed
[+] = Added
[C] = Changed / improved
[+] Added a sort of shield armour (acts like more health, but no knockback from damage and various other things)
[+] Proxy sticky grenades now has their own model
[+] New perk - Hacker, use this to steal other players devices like auto turrets, laser mines, claymores, C4 and proxy nades
[+] New perk - Teleporter, placing 2 nodes allows team mates to teleport between them
[+] New kill streak - Lightning storm
[+] Overkill perk is now available in ModWarfare mode
[+] Gold camo is now available in ModWarfare mode
[+] Classes created in ModWarfare mode are now saved, you don't need to recreate your class each time you load a new map
[+] Added an option for invisible spawn protection
[+] Added an option for giving more points when you kill an enemy in mid-air
[+] Added an option to set whether the lock on rocket follows players through walls or not
[+] Added an option for knife only mode
[+] Added the Apache helicopter, allies get the K3 helicopter and axis get the Apache
[+] Added CTF gametype
[+] Added an option for instant ion cannon firing
[+] Added some new kill taunts
[+] Added options for player based map rotations
[+] Auto turrets can now fire rockets at players as well as helicopters
[C] Modified the dark matter cannon and FX a little
[C] Modified rocket smoke trail FX
[C] Improved blackhawk, bugs should be fixed, now has a controllable minigun with locking on rockets
[C] Improved sniper trails, if the sniper bullet hits a damageable entity (like a car or player) the trail will go to exactly where it hit
[C] Improved HUD graphics like the health bar
[C] Changed EMP, freeze and anthrax icons
[C] Rocket types (lock on, laser guided, dark matter) have been moved to individual perks (ModWarfare mode only, non-ModWarfare uses the old pick screen)
[C] Ion cannon now has its own kill icon (it used the air strike one before)
[C] Improved killcam when watching auto turrets, rockets and stuff
[C] Made various FX prettier, like the ion cannon and meteor shower
[C] Various other improvements, bug fixes, additional features and options
[F] Fixed laser guided rockets sometimes playing the default explosion effect on the wrong surface
[F] Fixed the health bar being the wrong colour if max health wasn't set to 100
[F] Hopefully less chance of getting the CL_CGameNeedsServerCommand error when connecting
[F] HUD is no longer stretched on wide screens
[F] Fixed the M4 eotech having no red dot
And a number of other small things...
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